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Our bottled water coolers provide refreshing spring water from Wenlock Spring, which is available either chilled and room temperature, chilled and hot and carbonated too. Our mains fed water dispensers filter and chill your own tap water. These coolers have water options to suit different environments of varying capacity.
Instant chilled or ambient water from a single tap, providing a flexible cooler solution for all environments.
Every workplace has a demand for hot water to make drinks, and boiling water using a kettle can be time consuming - especially in busy environments.
We have a range of mains fed water dispensers that offer immediate and constant boiling water for tea, coffee, other hot drinks and snacks, helping to save vast amounts of time and also providing both an energy efficient and cost competitive alternative to conventional methods.
We also supply a range of in-cup hot drinks for your workplace, quick and easy to make, they are the perfect accessory for your dispenser.
Sparkling water is becoming an increasingly popular feature especially for those who are looking for a healthier alternative to fizzy drinks.
The additional function of sparkling water means that your water is carbonated on demand inside the water cooler and dispensed through a tap in the normal way.
You can view full details, including the various water options for each of our bottled and mains fed dispensers in our product section.
Safecontractor approved
WHA accredited member
Proud supporters of WaterAid - bringing clean water & sanitation to communities across the globe.