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We work hard to ensure that our products and services are environmentally-friendly. Using water sourced in the UK means that our bottled water has a low carbon footprint and our delivery routes are organised to minimise miles travelled.
We're also at the forefront of recycling in our sector.
We're committed to making sure our watercoolers are recycled at the end of their working life. We comply fully with The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE), which aims to minimise the number of electrical goods, including watercoolers, which go to landfill.
How our bottles are recycled
Soft drinks bottles (PET) - The bottles are chopped into small pieces and fed into the melting vessel, the molten material is either formed into beads, which may then be used for more bottles or it is made into very fine thread like material.
What our bottles are made into
The thread may eventually find its way into carpets and fleeces. It can also be spun into a very fine fibre with an appearance like candy floss. This is used as a filling for quilts or jackets, since it has very good insulation properties, Beads are used to make more bottles.
According to the Environment Agency, nearly 3 million tonnes of waste plastic are produced in the UK each year, only 7% of which is recycled. This is approximately 11% of all household waste and the rate is set to increase dramatically.
There are a number of reasons why we should recycle our plastic:
To help you recycle, we can collect your empty plastic cups on your regular delivery cycle and make sure they are passed on for recycling. We provide a clear plastic bag for cup collection, which will be exchanged for a new bag each time we make a collection
Please contact our customer service team for further details and do your bit to help the environment!
Safecontractor approved
WHA accredited member
Proud supporters of WaterAid - bringing clean water & sanitation to communities across the globe.